2021, a challenging but successful year for rafting community

Dear WRF Member and Friends,

as the New Year rings in, it brings high hopes: a promise of a fresh start. To welcome the new year with great enthusiasm and happiness to look forward and welcome opportunities I would like to briefly highlight the World Rafting Federation achievements during 2021.


By now we have 38 Nations recognized from national governmental sport institution. Others have already applied and their membership procedure is in process.


In the challenging year of 2021, despite the difficulties that the COVID-19 pandemic caused, we celebrated the organisation of the World Rafting Championship in France with a participation of more than 300 athletes, 55 teams representing 4 continents.

Thanks to the great work of the organizing committee and the French Canoe Kayak Federation everything could regularly be carried out with a result outside our expectations. World Championships that were broadcast worldwide on Sky Channels and with a great presence in different international media.

This important event was greeted by the International Sports World represented by Mr. Ivo Ferriani, Mr. Marco Scolaris  and Mr. Bernardi Volker and the responsible of Peace and Sport Foundation.

Various National Championships were held in almost all member countries.

Training Programme

We have done a lot of efforts in standardising the Training River Guide programes and also supporting all National Federations to adapt it. 

Mr. Xavier Postiaux is leading a team that grows each day, providing online seminars worldwide. Hopefully that the pandemic will end soon and allow us to continue with the series of courses. 

Instructor Stanley did a great job in Colombia to structure their national training system.

WRF Officials

With the goal to make each Nation autonomous for their own races, Mr. Stefan Purjakov has realized courses and certified new judge.

International Partnerships

WRF has been an observer member and participated the General Assembly of the International Canoe Federation. During the this important event it was also highlighted the great job that the WRF is doing in the paddle sports world.  

International Awards

The annual Peace and Sport Awards reward organizations who have made an outstanding contribution to peace, dialogue and social change in the world through sport.

It is an incredible honor to receive the 'April6 Initiative of the Year' Award. At World Rafting Federation we have celebrated April6 since its inception and we will keep answering to this meaningful and global call for action. With the #WhiteCard, we sport federations can reaffirm the positive values of sport and we can reinforce our bonds in an indissoluble way through sport.   

WRF Governing Bodies

One month after the World Rafting Championship 2021 in France, the members of the WRF Executive Board and Commissions started the first meetings with the eyes on the next 4 years.

The WRF 2021/2024 Ordinary Plenary Assembly held in L'Argentière-la-Bessée confirmed Barmaz Danilo President for the second term, supported by the renewed Executive Board composed by Ago Blerina , Purjakov Boris, Grigoriev Oleg and Yardımcı Fikret  , the  Representative elected by the Technicians' Commission Ghaziasgar Seyed Hadi and the Representative elected by the Athletes' Commission Martinez Martin. 

Carlier Bruno, Larrea Fermin Perez , Tomasini Marco , Buzzo Navarro Alejandro Daniel  Fernandes Rebeca , Gautam Sudip, Singh Sikand Shaukat Pal and Takrouni Mohsen , together with the Executive Board Members, will compose the WRF Board of Directors.

Massimo Desiati moved at the head of the Sport Committee, following his excellent experience as  a sport manager and Olympic athlete (kayak Barcelona 1992).

Among the first decisions of the Board, there was the creation of the Continental Councils. Mr. Shaukat from Indian Rafting Foundation, Mr. Carlier from French Canoe Kayak Federation, Mr. Merchan from Federation Colombiana de Rafting and Mr. Belabbas El Mamoun from Federation Royale Marocaine de Canoe Kayak have the responsibility of creating continental councils !


On January 1st, we are each given 365 days to accomplish our new year resolutions.  A great calendar awaits us with some important events like the Under 21/23 World Championship, that will take place in Zobin Potok,  the Asian Continental Championship in India  and the South American Continental Championship in Brazil. We are currently working on the first African  Championship.  


Looking forward to your collaboration to make 2022 more successful and prosperous. May this year bring new happiness, new achievements, and a lot of new inspirations on our sport life. Here's wishing you all the joy of the season.

Have a Happy New Year!

Danilo Barmaz



For a better world through Sport for All: TAFISA family welcomes WRF

World Rafting Federation signs a new membership with The Association For International Sport for All.

The origins of TAFISA date back to the 1960s, with the semi regular gathering of international but individual personalities and leaders interested and working in the field of Sport for All, under the title 'Trim and Fitness'. At the time, Sport for All was a little known concept.

Nowadays TAFISA has over 360 members from more than 170 countries on all continents and “We are happy to become one of them." declared WRF President Barmaz. "We aim to achieve an active world, promoting sport for all, and that’s what TAFISA does everyday around the world.”




In 1991, TAFISA (then the Trim And Fitness International Sport for All Association), was officially formed in Bordeaux, France and its statutes registered with the law courts of Frankfurt, Germany.

In 2005, TAFISA became professional with the opening of its office, also in Frankfurt, Germany. Since then, TAFISA’s professional staff has grown to include those in the Frankfurt headquarters, those working in the office of the President, and international consultants.

In 2009, TAFISA officially changed its name to ‘The Association For International Sport for All’ to more accurately describe its activities and its position as the leading international Sport for All association.


TAFISA initiative: the World Walking Day


TAFISA‘s primary focus is on:

Providing global and regional networking and experience sharing opportunities for its members, Supporting member development by providing appropriate programs, events and consulting services, Supporting and lobbying internationally for sustainable Sport for All and physical activity.


Sport reminds us the simple and fundamental values that nowadays are easy to forget in the everyday life; it is a transversal engine of society from the neighbourhood we live in to the global level, that’s why we think that through sport for all we can constantly build a better world.


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